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domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Causes and effects of Globalization

Throughout history, since its inception, humanity brought the power of thought, imagination, desire to improve, etc, this it’s the reason why humans are always trying to have a better life with more facilities, so humanity began to make thing to minimize human’s job. The world has changed, thanks to hundreds of experiments, hard work, research, and that evolution has meant that today we are in a world where everything is available, like: technology, money, means of communication (phone, internet, media advanced transport) across the length and breadth of the planet, allowing the relationship between countries and cultures, same as evidence the concept of globalization.

The best way to understand the concept of globalization is to see what happens around us, as modernization, evolution and thus the transformation.

Globalization has changed the lifestyle of people, because we want to enter that world and enjoy technology, money, travels, and if we do not do it, we believe we are stuck or out of range. People have lost large the culture of our nations, that by access or interest that we have towards others cultures, which can enter through the media such as television, internet, cinema. We are allowing to be incorporate to our life, tastes in music, dress and speak foreign, we are leaving behind the legacy of our ancestors and we are taking behaviors that are not ours, mainly from the economically most powerful cultures (United States, Spain, China), as they have at its disposal the resources (economic and social) and how to get your way of being the world. We must analyze that most of us are leaving behind one's identity and we are becoming imitations.

In conclusion, globalization is a phenomenon present in almost all the world, which produces many positive and negative effects, according to circumstances and opportunities of the countries and people.

1 comentario:

  1. Economic globalization would mean that the world economy, or at least the globalized portion of it, would be integrated and not merely interdependent. The difference between an interdependent and an integrated world is a qualitative one and not a mere matter of proportionately more trade and a greater and more rapid flow of capital. With integration, the world would look like one big state. Economic markets and economic interests cannot perform the functions of government. Integration requires or presumes a government to protect, direct, and control.
