In many countries and many periods a person’s ethnic identify has had profound consequences for his or her physical safety, political status, and economic prospects. Violent confrontation along ethnic lines is the most apparent form of ethnic conflicts have been the conflict in Rwanda, the Arab-Israeli crisis, and the Holocaust during World War II.
One important ethnic conflict was the Hutu and the Tutsi conflict in Rwanda. There are two major ethnic groups in this African country: the Hutu and the Tutsi. When the country was colonized by Belgians in 1916 they claimed that the Tutsi were superior to the Hutu based on the idea that their skins were lighter and their features more European. As result, the Hutus suffered years of repression by the Tutsi. In 1994, the Hutus took revenge. Tutsi people were slaughtered, hunted out of their homes, killed with guns or machetes and left to die on the road by unofficial militia group called the Interahamwe (“those who attack together”) and Hutu civilians were forced to murder their neighbors and children were not spared in an insane effort to wipe out the next Tutsi generation. Over 800, 000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.
Moreover the Arab-Israeli crisis is a conflict that exists between the state of Israeli and its Arab neighbors, particulary with Palestinians.
The main causes of this conflict are religion, the majority of Israelis are Christians, while the Palestinian’s religion is Islam, which is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion whose dagma is bases on the Koran. Currently, the main territorial fights occur around the Gaza Strip and Cisjordonia, because the Palestinians want to form an eventual state in these areas.
Another conflict was the Holocaust during World War II when Hitler tried to eliminate the jewish. There are many theories about the reasons that led Hitler to commit this horrible crime, for example some people say that Hitler proclaimed the superiority of the Aryan race (tall, blond), others say that he had Jewish ancestors, whom he hated. Another theory says that the Jews were taking over the entire European economy, destroying countries and amassing fortune.
Ethnic conflicts such as in Rwanda, the Arab-Israeli crisis, and the Holocaust during World War II triggered the worst feelings a human being can have. Any country or society can go though such terrors. Different religion, race, and beliefs are not good reasons to kill each other. It depends on new generations not to repeat the horrible crimes against humanity committed in different times and places.
One important ethnic conflict was the Hutu and the Tutsi conflict in Rwanda. There are two major ethnic groups in this African country: the Hutu and the Tutsi. When the country was colonized by Belgians in 1916 they claimed that the Tutsi were superior to the Hutu based on the idea that their skins were lighter and their features more European. As result, the Hutus suffered years of repression by the Tutsi. In 1994, the Hutus took revenge. Tutsi people were slaughtered, hunted out of their homes, killed with guns or machetes and left to die on the road by unofficial militia group called the Interahamwe (“those who attack together”) and Hutu civilians were forced to murder their neighbors and children were not spared in an insane effort to wipe out the next Tutsi generation. Over 800, 000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.
Moreover the Arab-Israeli crisis is a conflict that exists between the state of Israeli and its Arab neighbors, particulary with Palestinians.
The main causes of this conflict are religion, the majority of Israelis are Christians, while the Palestinian’s religion is Islam, which is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion whose dagma is bases on the Koran. Currently, the main territorial fights occur around the Gaza Strip and Cisjordonia, because the Palestinians want to form an eventual state in these areas.
Another conflict was the Holocaust during World War II when Hitler tried to eliminate the jewish. There are many theories about the reasons that led Hitler to commit this horrible crime, for example some people say that Hitler proclaimed the superiority of the Aryan race (tall, blond), others say that he had Jewish ancestors, whom he hated. Another theory says that the Jews were taking over the entire European economy, destroying countries and amassing fortune.
Ethnic conflicts such as in Rwanda, the Arab-Israeli crisis, and the Holocaust during World War II triggered the worst feelings a human being can have. Any country or society can go though such terrors. Different religion, race, and beliefs are not good reasons to kill each other. It depends on new generations not to repeat the horrible crimes against humanity committed in different times and places.
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