The Immigration is defined as the introduction of new people into a habitat or population; Costa Rica is a country that now suffered many disadvantages by this situation.
Over the last two decades, several people from countries as Nicaragua, Jamaica, Colombia and others, arrived to Costa Rica illegally. This situation causes many negative consequences to Costa Rican people and in general to all the country, for example, the immigrants come to CR find work, but most of them don’t have a good level of education. This forces them to compete with lower socioeconomic strata of the national population. According, to the Nacion News paper “This competition pressione nominal salaries of these occupations to the downside, further it hurting to the nationals most than foreigners, who migrate with fewer dependents and still receive higher incomes than they could have in their country”.
The condition of illegality of some immigrants provoke that some entrepreneurs to take advantage of that to pay very low wages, and they don’t contribute with the social security law and therefore, a large contingent of immigrants may be using health services (as well as educational) without contributing to its support. Furthermore, these lows salaries may cause an increase in crime, because the immigrants don’t get the enough money to satisfy their basic needs.
Finally, I think that Costa Rica should implement most and better laws to avoid the excessive immigration.
“Nicaraguenses en Costa Rica “. October, 1999
Immigrants, I had the opportunity to live for two years out of Costa Rica, although I was legal, I felt it be under the sight of others as being of different physical appearance, language and customs, also experience that stereotypes that give you the communication means or the society itself makes difficult your freedom in alien land even if your behavior is not as they said; it is true that many immigrants have brought our country bad habits and have damaged our society, but there are also very aspects positive for our society that they have made grow in the economic and the cultural, we can see policy, trade and higher education schools, we can find people who in earlier times came to our country seeking asylum and settled, now they or their children are collaborating to Costa Rica to succeed, so not everything is bad even that media enhance only bad immigrants.
ResponderEliminarThe United States has these problems of immigration, but these immigrants are actually the bases of this country society, because this people do the job that the locals wont do. So immigration is not entirely bad. Also immigration brings money from another country to invest in their new country.