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domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Causes and effects of Globalization

Throughout history, since its inception, humanity brought the power of thought, imagination, desire to improve, etc, this it’s the reason why humans are always trying to have a better life with more facilities, so humanity began to make thing to minimize human’s job. The world has changed, thanks to hundreds of experiments, hard work, research, and that evolution has meant that today we are in a world where everything is available, like: technology, money, means of communication (phone, internet, media advanced transport) across the length and breadth of the planet, allowing the relationship between countries and cultures, same as evidence the concept of globalization.

The best way to understand the concept of globalization is to see what happens around us, as modernization, evolution and thus the transformation.

Globalization has changed the lifestyle of people, because we want to enter that world and enjoy technology, money, travels, and if we do not do it, we believe we are stuck or out of range. People have lost large the culture of our nations, that by access or interest that we have towards others cultures, which can enter through the media such as television, internet, cinema. We are allowing to be incorporate to our life, tastes in music, dress and speak foreign, we are leaving behind the legacy of our ancestors and we are taking behaviors that are not ours, mainly from the economically most powerful cultures (United States, Spain, China), as they have at its disposal the resources (economic and social) and how to get your way of being the world. We must analyze that most of us are leaving behind one's identity and we are becoming imitations.

In conclusion, globalization is a phenomenon present in almost all the world, which produces many positive and negative effects, according to circumstances and opportunities of the countries and people.

viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

Union Legal between people of the same sex

Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and is defined as interaction or sexual attraction, emotional, sentimental towards individuals of same-sex.

Since 1973 the international scientific community believes that homosexuality is not a disease. However, legal and social situation of people who call themselves homosexual varies greatly from one country to another and often is a controversial situation.

In recent years the world has discussed the right of gay people to live freely on their sexual preference, these people have fought to be allowed to legally unite with your partner, they want have the same rights that have the heterosexual couples.

Some European countries such as Spain allow gays and lesbians to legally bind, Argentina in Latin America too.

But what are the reasons for which must approve civil unions between same-sex:

1)Homosexuality is not an issue or situation recently, it has its origins centuries ago, for example in Greece and Rome, people considered normal that a boy (between puberty and the growth of the beard) was the lover of an older man who was responsible of the political education, social, scientific and moral of his loved. The female sexuality was considered indecent, the people was said that "women were to reproduction of the specie, but man for pleasure. Some philosophers like Platon, Aristoles had emotional relationships with men.

The development of humanity, has allowed people to have universal rights such as freedom, life, dignity, among other, so why we are not respecting the freedom of homosexuals, which is free to choose how to live and enjoy their sexuality. A heterosexual people are recognizing those rights and also their dignity are respected, is time to recognize also the rights of homosexuals. Supposedly, we live in a world where all people enjoy equal opportunities, that is within the universal rights, so why the laws discriminate the homosexuals.

2)Homosexual couples, who claim that for them the division of inheritance and property common scenes a daily drama. Most of them were left "with nothing when they separate or your partner dies. People who have a same-sex partner, and if they have decided to live together, must have the right to share their properties as any other couple, and this would avoid that in case of a death of one of the two, the other is unprotected financially to be stripped by the relatives of your partner.

3)Nobody has the right to impose sexual preference to anyone, because otherwise it'll be violating your privacy. Each person is free to proceed as you like as long as no harm to a third party.

Homosexualidad (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexualidad)

Michael’s Life

People who grow into a sweet, affectionate and loving family are more likely to be successful.

One day, a woman who name is Denise Oher, gave birth to one of her twelve children, the child was Michael (the big Mike). Bad luck for Michael, his mother was an addictive to the drugs since her pregnancy with him and their father abandoned them in the time when he born; for this reason, Michael was snatched from the hands of her mother and was placed under state protection.

During Michael’s childhood, he lived with several families, but he never was happy and even their intellectual growth was very low, he attended eleven different schools during his first nine years as a student, because he got mediocre grades and couldn’t advance.

However, the Michael’s life suffered a big change when one of their protectors enrolled him in private Briarcrest Christian School, also the idea was that Michael was part of the team football school, but his poor grades not allowed to do it.

One day, while Michael walk near of the school, a woman saw to Michael and she invited him to her house, in this moment Michael begin to write other life. The woman had two children who study in the same school of Michael; the family adopted a Mike as their new member.

From that moment, Michael known as Mike started to improve their grades in school, playing sports, to become the most recognized soccer player in school and many other places. His ability to sport and to have improved his average, allowed to obtain a scholarship and study at the University of Mississippi.

After all his success, achievement forgives her biological mother, however, he continued living with his adoptive family.

A little love and support can totally change a person's life.

Ethnic Conflicts

In many countries and many periods a person’s ethnic identify has had profound consequences for his or her physical safety, political status, and economic prospects. Violent confrontation along ethnic lines is the most apparent form of ethnic conflicts have been the conflict in Rwanda, the Arab-Israeli crisis, and the Holocaust during World War II.

One important ethnic conflict was the Hutu and the Tutsi conflict in Rwanda. There are two major ethnic groups in this African country: the Hutu and the Tutsi. When the country was colonized by Belgians in 1916 they claimed that the Tutsi were superior to the Hutu based on the idea that their skins were lighter and their features more European. As result, the Hutus suffered years of repression by the Tutsi. In 1994, the Hutus took revenge. Tutsi people were slaughtered, hunted out of their homes, killed with guns or machetes and left to die on the road by unofficial militia group called the Interahamwe (“those who attack together”) and Hutu civilians were forced to murder their neighbors and children were not spared in an insane effort to wipe out the next Tutsi generation. Over 800, 000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.

Moreover the Arab-Israeli crisis is a conflict that exists between the state of Israeli and its Arab neighbors, particulary with Palestinians.
The main causes of this conflict are religion, the majority of Israelis are Christians, while the Palestinian’s religion is Islam, which is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion whose dagma is bases on the Koran. Currently, the main territorial fights occur around the Gaza Strip and Cisjordonia, because the Palestinians want to form an eventual state in these areas.

Another conflict was the Holocaust during World War II when Hitler tried to eliminate the jewish. There are many theories about the reasons that led Hitler to commit this horrible crime, for example some people say that Hitler proclaimed the superiority of the Aryan race (tall, blond), others say that he had Jewish ancestors, whom he hated. Another theory says that the Jews were taking over the entire European economy, destroying countries and amassing fortune.

Ethnic conflicts such as in Rwanda, the Arab-Israeli crisis, and the Holocaust during World War II triggered the worst feelings a human being can have. Any country or society can go though such terrors. Different religion, race, and beliefs are not good reasons to kill each other. It depends on new generations not to repeat the horrible crimes against humanity committed in different times and places.

martes, 27 de julio de 2010


The Immigration is defined as the introduction of new people into a habitat or population; Costa Rica is a country that now suffered many disadvantages by this situation.

Over the last two decades, several people from countries as Nicaragua, Jamaica, Colombia and others, arrived to Costa Rica illegally. This situation causes many negative consequences to Costa Rican people and in general to all the country, for example, the immigrants come to CR find work, but most of them don’t have a good level of education. This forces them to compete with lower socioeconomic strata of the national population. According, to the Nacion News paper “This competition pressione nominal salaries of these occupations to the downside, further it hurting to the nationals most than foreigners, who migrate with fewer dependents and still receive higher incomes than they could have in their country”.

The condition of illegality of some immigrants provoke that some entrepreneurs to take advantage of that to pay very low wages, and they don’t contribute with the social security law and therefore, a large contingent of immigrants may be using health services (as well as educational) without contributing to its support. Furthermore, these lows salaries may cause an increase in crime, because the immigrants don’t get the enough money to satisfy their basic needs.

Finally, I think that Costa Rica should implement most and better laws to avoid the excessive immigration.

“Nicaraguenses en Costa Rica “. October, 1999

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

Causes of Poverty

Poverty is a social situation, which grows day by day and is virtually impossible to eradicate. Some governments deal with their strategies decrease this social problem, however the results are not positive.
Are many the causes of poverty, some of then are: the population growth, according to the ONU population fund, every year born eighty thousand of babies around the world, which indicates that there are problems of housing and in a few years will be worse.
Natural disasters are another cause; we could see the case of Haiti, where many people loss their few properties. Also, the floods hurt the marginalized and poor societies, an example are the people who live in Limon (Costa Rica), they suffered the bad consequences that winter produces.
Another cause of the poverty is the inequality in the distribution of wealth, in all countries are who have much economic wealth, who have access to education, health and all basic needs, others by the contrary don’t have a job or something to eat.
As long exist insensitive governments, high level of illiteracy, shortage naturals resources and limited national territory, human poverty will be present everywhere.


Las causas de la pobreza. (w.d)
retrieved on June 29, 2010, TO: http://www.pobrezamundial.com/las-causas-de-la-pobreza/

Weapons of mass destructions

Weapons of mass destructions have many negative consequences. The blast and shock effects and the social impact are some examples that many countries and civilians had experimented time before.

One of the biggest examples had developed in the worlds wars, many years ago, was: The “Blast and shock effects are the primary damage-producing mechanisms for soft targets such as cities and are often the only effective mechanism for destroying underground structures such as missile silos” (Nuclear weapons Blast effects).

According to the article (Weapons of mass destruction and terrorism: Mental Health consequences and implications for planning and training) where its mention that many countries have suffered a lot of lack of warning, where allows people to take psychological and physical protective action, lack of familiarity with social events, types of agents involved, how to prepare, or how to respond can lead to community-wide feelings of helplessness, vulnerability, and disequilibrium.

In contrast, it is evident that the WMD have many aftermaths, this could be the reason of the human extinction, that reason resumes the negatives consequences of this topic. Also, it is good to mention that we must prevent all type of conflicts and always preserve the peace.


“Nuclear weapons Blast effects” (wd). June 15.2010
< http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/intro/nuke-blast.htm>